Bestselling Book Success From the Heart Sold out in a couple hours at Party Extravaganza in Marigot

Great Bay/Marigot, St. Martin- Bestselling book Success From the Heart, co-authored by Dr. Nicole Erna Mae Francis-Cotton, visionary and president of Victorious Living Foundation (VLF), has finally arrived on St. Martin. The long anticipated arrival of this inspiring and uplifting book which features Francis-Cotton and 34 other exceptional persons has arrived in time for Christmas.
The book was commissioned by Adam Markel, CEO of the largest personal development training organization in the world, New Peaks, formerly Peak Potentials. Adam Markel, CEO of New Peaks™, gathered 35 entrepreneurs to share their powerful stories of heart-centered transformation in their new book, Success from the Heart and Dr. Francis-Cotton had the prestigious honour of being chosen among the thirty-five authors.

Francis-Cotton’s chapter, “Believe in Yourself & Press On,” chronicles her journey in establishing VLF. She shares the compassion and passion with which the vision was birthed after returning to St. Martin and seeing the hopelessness and frustration among many youth.

If you are feeling challenged and overwhelmed, Francis-Cotton shares a nugget of hope from her chapter with you: “If you have a vision, a dream, or plan close to your heart believe in it. Believe in yourself. Press on! The mere fact that you have received this vision ensures that it will succeed. God would not give you a dream without the power, tools, resources and determination to realize it. ‘So ask and you’ll receive. Seek and you’ll find. Knock and the doors will be opened to you.’”

To get your copy of Success from the Heart which will help propel you or your loved one to successfully pursue the dream you may have considered giving up on, call 1-721-524-8731; e-mail or visit and send an e-mail to get your copy.
Success from the Heart is also available at The Family Book Store in Philipsburg; and Party Extravaganza in Marigot, when its sold out stock is replenished on Saturday December 26th.

Source: 721 news Bestselling Book Success From the Heart Sold out in a couple hours at Party Extravaganza in Marigot