BIP SXM submits Multi-Annual Budget & Policy Plan 2019-2023 to Minister of TEATT


>PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic & Telecommunication (TEATT), the Honourable Stuart Johnson has received the Bureau Intellectual Properties’ Policy Plan and financial forecasts for 2019 to 2023.

It is a requirement for the TEATT Minister to review and approve the budget once he finds everything in order. This year the BTP was granted an extension of the deadline for submitting their policy plan and financial forecast for the subsequent five (5) years under Article 16 of the Landsverordening Bureau Intellectueel Eigendom, which establishes the annual deadline for submittal of the annual budget of income and expenditure.

The Bureau’s normal operation was disrupted in 2017 due to damage sustained at their office as a result of the passing of Hurricanes Irma and Maria which forced them to move to a new location.

Minister Johnson said, “The work being done by the BTP on St. Maarten cannot be understated. As we continue to encourage our talented individuals to produce, we should also ensure that their intellectual property is protected. Knowing what your rights to your creations are, is very important.”

On Thursday, November 29th, 2018 the BTP Sint Maarten submitted the 2019-2023 Multi-Annual Budget and Policy Plan to the Minister for approval.

“BIP SXM is a modern and professional organisation, focused on sustainable growth. We create awareness about the importance of intellectual property through various initiatives, such as regular posts on Social Media, participating in events, organising workshops and other activities which target the growth of businesses and Entrepreneurs on Sint Maarten.” says the Director of BIP SXM.

The Bureau registers trademarks and provides information about other areas of intellectual property, such as patents and copyright, to the public. More information regarding the Bureau and its services can be found on and on social media (Facebook and LinkedIn).”

Source: 721 News