*** BREAKING NEWS ***: Dutch Marine arrested then released.

Maartje van der Maas, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defense based in the Caribbean

Maartje van der Maas, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defense based in the Caribbean

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten – A member of the Dutch Marines stationed on St. Maarten was arrested Tuesday, January 30, 2016. The officer is said to have been detained based on a drug charge.

Although, details of his arrest are murky, 721news spoke to Maartje van der Maas, who is the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defense based in the Caribbean. She confirmed that a Dutch marine officer was arrested. He was suspected of violating the opium (Drugs) law.

When 721news asked why the suspect military officer was not brought before the Judge of instruction, Van der Maas stated that after the military officer was tested, no evidence was found of drug use. So he was released.

Van der Maas also said that he and the crew this officer came with to St. Maarten is back in the Netherlands.

It is now believed that his case may be taken over by the Ministry of Defense in the Netherlands for further investigation.

Source: 721 news *** BREAKING NEWS ***: Dutch Marine arrested then released.