BTEC representative visits USM

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BTEC representative Maggie Rankine with USM’s Division HeadErwin Wolthuis

PHILIPSBURG– In the pursuit of having a fully accredited Hospitality and Tourism Management program, the University of St. Martin (USM) worked extensively on acquiring accreditation via British Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC).

On August 26, 2015, USM had already received the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) Accreditation of the United Kingdom to offer Level 5 programs in Hospitality and Business.   Improving the curriculum and having Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE) instructors were some steps taken in assuring the quality of the HTM program. With the QCF accreditation, the Hospitality and Tourism Management program leads therefore, next to an Associate Degree, to a British Higher National Certificate/Diploma (HNC/HND).

Part of the BTEC accreditation process is having a BTEC representative perform an external verification visit to the institution. BTEC representative Maggie Rankine visited USM where she inspected and verified the instructors’ work and students’ results. Rankine stated that she was very impressed with the offered curriculum as well as the students’ assignments.

Head of USM’s Hospitality Division Erwin Wolthuis said that he is very pleased to have been able to establish this success in close cooperation with Dr. Natasha Gittens and Jan van Beek.

Wolthuis also indicated that he is very proud of the Hospitality and Tourism students, who are doing a great job academically. The results of the inspection proved them to be true ambassadors of both USM as well as St. Maarten.

Source: 721 news BTEC representative visits USM