Compliance Guide Brochures

In continuing efforts to help companies get compliant with the law, Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor Emil Lee together with his Ministry has developed a quick reference compliance guide for “employers” and a quick reference guide for “employees”.

“As government seeks to improve compliance, one of the first steps is to provide clear information as to the rules for which compliance is expected. We believe that by improving communication with the public, government can expect improved compliance” said Minister Lee.

Too often, when the Labor Department inspects a company, they are told that the company was not aware of the things  that should be in place in order  for their business to be compliant with the law.


The quick reference guide for “Employers” gives information to employers which they would need to adhere to. It also provides important contact numbers in case of questions that the employers may have.

Some topics that are covered in the employers guide are: Labor Registration, tax compliance, work/employment permits for employees, occupational health and safety standards, and more.

It has been noted that many employees do not know their rights in their workplace, and because of this , the Ministry also made a quick reference guide for employees.

It was designed to guide employees, and provide them with basic information that they should know about their rights. It also provides them with the relevant contact numbers in case they have any questions. Some topics that are covered in the guide are : trial period, the labor agreement, dismissals, overtime, medical insurance , and more.

The compliance guides are also available in a digital format on,  and will be distributed to employers and employees in the coming weeks.

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Source: 721 News Compliance Guide Brochures