Doing Business with the World Bank on St. Maarten


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Following the devastation caused by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, a Recovery Trust Fund for Sint Maarten in the amount of €470 million was established by the Netherlands. The Trust Fund will be managed by The World Bank Group. As a result of this, World Bank procurement procedures will be applied to all expenditures made from the trust fund.

In light of this, the Government of Sint Maarten and the World Bank Group have agreed to host a presentation/training on the World Bank Procurement Procedures, themed ‘Doing Business with the World Bank’. The objective of the presentation is to inform the private sector of St. Maarten about the necessary procedures on procurement processes when doing business with the World Bank. The presentation will be held on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 from 2:00 p.m.  – 6:30 p.m. at the Belair Community Center.

Prior to the establishment of the Trust Fund, St. Maarten had historically never collaborated with the World Bank. As such, the Government of Sint Maarten recognizes that the private sector may not be thoroughly informed on what the collaboration with the World Bank, and by extension the trust fund entails, nor are many businesses aware of the required procedures for procurements related to the recovery and reconstruction of St. Maarten. This presentation/training will ensure that the private sector of St. Maarten is informed of the procedures and the associated possibilities to participate in the rebuilding of St. Maarten.

This presentation will give a general overview on The World Bank Group Guiding Principles and how goods, consulting services, non-consulting services and works will be procured (hired) for actions funded by the Recovery Trust Fund. It should be noted that the recovery and reconstruction of St. Maarten will not only include actual construction work but will cross a number of sectors and will yield residual spin off for all additional sectors, benefiting the country as a whole on a short term as well as long term basis.

The Government of Sint Maarten therefore encourages the business community to make an extra effort to attend this informative session. Basically, if you have a company that provides goods, consulting services, non-consulting services or works in any sector that is relevant to the reconstruction of St. Maarten, then you will benefit from this presentation/training.

Due to restricted capacity, we would like to limit each company to maximum two (2) representatives. Companies are requested to register by sending an email to or by calling +1 721 5 20 01 94 to confirm the names of their representative(s) by latest Monday, June 11, 2018 at the end of the business day.

The Government of Sint Maarten is looking forward to collaborate and partner with you!

Source: 721 News