Eddie York murder trial to take place next year

By Today Newspaper

Jannie Elisabeth York is been suspected of planning her dad death.

Jannie Elisabeth York is been suspected of planning her dad death.

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten – The Court in First Instance moved the murder trial against Jannie Elisabeth Y.  and Renaldo Hilario Othniel Y. to February 17 of next year.

The two are suspects in the death of their 72-year old father Eddie York, who was found dead in his bedroom in Upper Princess Quarter on December 31, 2014.

Jannie Y. has denied that she has anything to do with her father’s death. In September, she told the Judge of Instruction that she had not put any land belonging to her late father in her name, “Me and my dad went to notary Mingo. My father had 26 children and I was his favorite. I miss my dad, I wish he was here. All rumors are false.”

Renaldo Hilario Othniel York is suspected of killing his Grandfather.

Renaldo Hilario Othniel York is suspected of killing his Grandfather.

The suspect furthermore told the judge that she had problems with the law before, for threats “after I had been threatened by my sister.”

Renaldo Y. more or less told investigators that he had killed Eddie York at the instructions of his Aunt Jannie. Then latter denies this.

Attorney Shamira Roseburg asked the court to terminate or suspend her client Jannie Y.’s pretrial detention.

The court will rule on this request in writing.

Source: 721 news Eddie York murder trial to take place next year