Electoral Council calls on political parties to assist candidates.

~ Reminder Registration of Donations ~

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten —  The Electoral Council would like to remind the 125 candidates who contested the 2016 parliamentary elections that, in accordance with the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties, they are required to record all donations received, be it in cash, by check or in kind. These records must be submitted to the Electoral Council ultimately on Wednesday, October 26, 2016.

All  candidates are also informed that-  based on the experience after the 2014 elections- the Electoral Council will not be able to assist candidates with the completion of their donation registration. Candidates who do not know how to complete the donation registration online are advised to seek assistance from their party. The Electoral Council is therefore calling on all party boards to monitor donations received by their candidates and to assist them with the accurate registration of donations.

All candidates are also required to date and sign their donations register and to certify that this was completed accurately and truthfully. The original document should be submitted to the Electoral Council. Non-compliance with or violation of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties is subject to penalty.

Two weeks ago, the Electoral Council sent the login credentials to all candidates.  Candidates who did not receive this email with instructions on how to access the database to complete their donation registration digitally, should contact the Electoral Council during its opening hours at the office on Backstreet 145b or by telephone numbers 543-9888 and 543-9889 or by email-address: info@ecsxm.org. All candidates, especially those with 0 donations, are advised to submit their donation registration soonest. To date, only one (1) of the 125 candidates submitted his donation registration.

Opening hours office:

Monday-Wednesday 1:30pm-5:30pm

Thursday-Friday 9:00am-1:00pm


Your Support is most appreciated!
Donation $5.00 USD
Donation $10.00 USD
Donation $20.00 USD
Donation $50.00 USD
Donation $100.00 USD

Source: 721 News Electoral Council calls on political parties to assist candidates.