EU Ambassador unveils plaque in Middle Region

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – The European Union (EU) and St. Maarten have over the years enjoyed cooperation in a number of development areas.

The Head of Delegation of the EU to Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and the Dutch Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) Ambassador Jernej Videtič, was on St. Maarten earlier this week to get a firsthand update on the progress of the EU-funded programmes.

Ambassador Videtič met with Prime Minister William Marlin, in discussions related to the EU’s development assistance programmes in St. Maarten and the Caribbean OCTs regional programme.

Under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) St. Maarten has been allocated €7 million, which focusses on the securing of water and sanitation. Under the 10th EDF, €4.75 million was attributed to a project for the upgrading of the sewage, drainage, drinking water and road infrastructure in Dutch Quarter. St. Maarten is managing on behalf of the Caribbean OCTs, €40 million regional programme on Marine Biodiversity and access to Sustainable Energy.

During his visit, Ambassador Jernej Videtič met with Dutch representatives and French administrative authorities and conducted site visits in the Middle Region and Dutch Quarter areas. He ended his tour of St. Maarten by unveiling a plaque commemorating the 9th EDF projects in Middle Region, which contributed over €4 million to improve access to sanitation.

Photo – L to R: Support Staff to EU Ambassador Cristobal Delgado Matas, EU Ambassador Jernej Videtic, Lenny Priest  – President of the Middle Region / Defiance Community Council, Kurt Ruan  – Dept Head New Projects – Ministry VROMI, Marc Arnold  – Dept Head Interior & Kingdom Relations-  Minister General Affairs

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Source: 721 news EU Ambassador unveils plaque in Middle Region