Female robbed while leaving restaurant


>PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Wednesday February 6th at approximately 11:30 pm, police patrols were dispatched to a popular restaurant on Front Street were an armed robbery had just taken place.

While on the scene the patrol received information form the victim that a male suspect, coming from the direction of the Boardwalk, with a knife in hand demanded that the female victim hand over her purse. Once the suspect received the purse from the victim he took off running. The patrols searched the area however the suspect was not found. No one was hurt or in need of medical assistance.

The police force of Sint Maarten is doing its utmost to protect you and your family from all crime. Unfortunately armed robberies do occur in our community. These criminal acts have serious impact on victims as well as the community. It is better to be safe than sorry and therefore the Sint Maarten Police Force has some safety precautions listed for you that may prevent you from  becoming a victim of robbery.

Anyone who has information in regard to this case should immediately get in contact with the police department by calling >+17215422222, the emergency number >9300  TIP line or you can send a private message to the KPSM facebook page.

Source: 721 News https://721news.com/top-story/female-robbed-while-leaving-restaurant/