My Fellow Sint Maarteners,

I extend, in the wonderful spirit of Christmas, warm greetings to you at home and abroad.

Christmas is a special time of the year. It is the season of renewal anchored in God’s enduring gift of love. As beneficiaries of this gift, I call on all of us to reflect on the words of the apostle Paul: “Love is patient, love is kind, it is not self-seeking, always protects, always trusts, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance”. (1 Corinthians 13:4 in part). As we celebrate this Christmas I call on you to reflect on these powerful words in our relationship with our families, with our neighborhoods, with our colleagues at work and with our Country. As we celebrate this wonderful time of the year, I trust that each of us will be moved by the Christmas gift of Love. And as a result that you and I will act in agreement with these finest of human qualities one to another. I do so because I believe that such personal actions are required to build on favorable developments and to protect our society from unfavorable influences and activities going forward.

During the past year some of our neighbors faced health issues, have lost or face losing their jobs, while others have been victimized by crime or other socially unacceptable behavior. To all facing personal loss, as a result of economic, social or other causes, I offer my sympathy and wish you the enduring strength of the spirit of Christmas. Amidst our individual and collective challenges I encourage all of us to tap into and use our selfless qualities to reach out to the vulnerable among us. Building on these noble attributes I trust that we will bridge our differences and strengthen the foundation of our society. For in doing so we will, in the spirit of Christmas, contribute to the societal renewal necessary to remedy issues that our people are confronted with, such as social imbalances, crime and financial constraints.

As Sint Maarteners celebrating the birth of Christ and closing off 2015 let us at the same time, reflecting on developments in our region and around the world, be thankful for the many blessings that have come our way. As such I trust that we, with a warm embrace of our Friendly Island’s values as a kind, caring, and sharing people, will continue to seek to advance the wellbeing of all within our community as our highest ideal. That by recommitting ourselves to be enduring in the protection of our achievements and pursuit of a more just, happy, strong and sustainable Sint Maarten society.

It is in that spirit that Marie-Louise and I wish you and your family joyous, safe and hope filled holidays, with the enduring love of Christmas!

God bless you and May God bless Sint Maarten and protect its coast.

The Governor of Sint Maarten

Eugene B. Holiday