iSTEP embarked on a Leadership in Innovations – EdTech Teacher training


PHILIPSBURG – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, via iSTEP, hosted an EdTechTeacher management and teacher training at NIPA from February 13th – February 17th 2017. The week was divided into two trainings; a 3 day management training and a 2 day teacher training.

The management training, which began on February 13th and ended on February 15th, for all school managers and student care coordinators of the public schools and was geared towards preparing management for the integration of ICT devices within their schools and their essential role in this process. Management representatives of the other school boards  also took part in the training. The management training ended on a high note, whereby the management teams of the various schools were enthusiastic for the project to commence and to get the programs and devices up and running in the schools, in order to reach each student at his/her level of interest.

The 2-day teacher training, which commenced on February 16th and ended on February 17th,  was for the public school teachers whom participated in the iSTEP pilot program. This training was geared towards training the teachers on how to integrate the various ICT devices into their classroom instruction, curriculum and assessment. The teachers will receive monthly follow up trainings which will coach them in the transition from traditional classroom setting to tech-laden classrooms.

The 2-day teacher training ended with the remarks of the Head of Division Public Education, Mrs. Glenderline Davis-Holiday. “We can’t do anything without your commitment and I hope the energy displayed here today, does not fade away.” Mrs. Fabiana Vanterpool-Arnell, Policy Advisor of the Cabinet ECYS, who spoke on behalf of the Minister who could not attend, congratulated the teachers, iSTEP team, and Mr. Tom Daccord, on a successful training. She encouraged the teachers to continue to be enthusiastic and to share on the knowledge gained with colleagues. Mrs. Vanterpool-Arnell conveyed the Minister’s wish for the teachers to be the change they want to see in the classroom by striving to make learning the best time in their students’ lives. “The children are growing up in a technological world and this is their reality. Let us grow with them,” Mrs. Vanterpool-Arnell added.

Mr. Tom Daccord, the Director and Co-Founder of EdTech Teacher, flew to the island to give the 5-day workshop. EdTechTeacher is an experienced training company that focuses on trainings that stimulate tech laden environments within the classroom. The trainings were designated for a maximum of 25 persons however the iSTEP team will organize the same training  in the near future so that the adjunct school managers  and more representatives from the other school boards can also follow the training.

iSTEP is taking the necessary steps to bring our classrooms into the  21st century – one school, one teacher, and one student at a time!

Source: 721 News