Letter to the Editor: individuals and mini markets in our community has been selling “funto.”

As an aspiring politician, it has come to my understanding that individuals and mini markets in the community has been selling “funto.”

It’s a leafy green substance sold in small sacks similar to weed.  There is even talk that some individuals are brave enough to sell this which could be considered weed.  It seems everybody can come here and open up shop and sell whatever.

Goods to be sold to the public needs to be screened.  Is this substance a public health hazard?

It is my duty as a law abiding citizen to let the people know that this will cause chaos in our youth.  We can’t afford to continue losing one generation after the other.

The corner grocer is becoming a threat to our communities rather than a convenience.  It is so easy for under aged youth to go into a corner grocery and purchase hard liquor.

Now the corner grocer is selling “funto.”

I am calling on the Community Police Officers to start investigating this trend.  I call on the Inspectorate of Public Health to investigate this “funto” as it could be a public health hazard being sold to our people.

We need to protect our people.  There will be no peace if there isn’t justice.  We need to have safe communities for our families and we cannot tolerate the sale of this product in our communities which are already suffering from various challenges.

Eugene “Gino” Heyliger

Source: 721 news Letter to the Editor: individuals and mini markets in our community has been selling “funto.”