Majesty of the Seas to Arrive for Humanitarian Evacuation Trip on Friday


PORT ST. MAARTEN – Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines Majesty of the Seas cruise ship arrives on Friday, September 15, on a humanitarian mission to evacuate American citizens or those with Visa Waiver/ESTA entry requirements, allowing the person to enter the U.S. territory legally.

The aforementioned group should meet at the St. Maarten Festival Village (Carnival Village) on Pond Island to register to leave the island on the same day with the cruise vessel.  Registration starts at 7.00 AM until 3.00 PM on Friday.

Persons can also register online if you have Internet connection at:

Majesty of the Seas will take persons to San Juan, Puerto Rico. The vessels capacity is 2450. The evacuees are allowed to bring one piece of luggage per person as well as service pets, or a small dog or cat with their relevant travel documents.

Persons will be responsible for their own travel beyond Puerto Rico to their final destination. Everybody should meet at the Festival Village in an orderly manner and park in the public parking areas near the village. The Marines will be at the Festival Village to assist with security.

Qualifying individuals with travel documents to enter the United States of America will be taken by bus to the Port St. Maarten Cruise Facility. Evacuees should not come to the Port directly because they will not be given access to the facility!

Evacuees should have a friend or family member remove their vehicles from the parking lot at the Festival Village because if they do not it will be towed!

Port St. Maarten Management would like to thank Royal Caribbean for its pro-activeness in providing assistance.  “We appreciate the commitment from our cruise partners, and thank them for their support to St. Maarten and to the region.

“We look forward to a quick turn-around for the cruise sector, and are working with stakeholders to bounce back and become the benchmark cruise destination,” Port St. Maarten Management said on Wednesday.

S.E.L. Maduro & Sons would like to thank Royal Caribbean for its unwavering support which demonstrates that it’s a real partner and friend of St. Maarten.

Adventure of the Seas also of Royal Caribbean, was in port on Sunday, September 10 on a humanitarian call where approximately 320 persons were evacuated and they also offloaded relief supplies.

Majesty of the Seas will be in port at 8.00 AM and depart at 5.00 PM.

Source: 721 News