PHILIPSBURG – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, as part of its I AM KING Program, is organizing a male empowerment panel discussion entitled: “Man to Man-Straight Talk, A No-Holds Barred Conversation” for Saturday, January 28, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Philipsburg Cultural Center.
The evening will be centered on two themes: Manhood 101 and the Role of a Man. The discussion on Manhood 101 will focus on questions such as “What does it means to be a man?” and “How do I become a man?” as well as discuss the challenges and conflicting ideologies of manhood.
The second discussion of the night will focus on the Role of a Man, and will center on topics such as fatherhood and relationships. For both discussions, there will be two panels leading the discussion; one panel of youngsters and one panel of older men.
The goal is to stimulate and facilitate discussions between these two groups of men and get their views of manhood from their perspectives. Participation will also be encouraged from the audience as persons will have the opportunity to participate in the discussion and ask questions and/or give their opinions.
Entry to the event is free and the general public, especially men, are encouraged to come out and participate in this very vital discussion.
This Panel Discussion forms part of a trilogy of events for the I AM KING Program. In December 2016, a male empowerment youth forum under the theme “Managing my Reality” was held where approximately 180 young men, between the ages of 15-20 years, had the opportunity to discuss prevalent issues and topics affecting them today.
After this upcoming panel discussion, the organizing committee will gather the information and pointers that came out of both events and host a stakeholders’ session where a plan to further stimulate male empowerment in 2017 and beyond will be devised.
For more information on the I Am King Trilogy of Events, contact Project Manager Janelle Presentacion at 542-3904 or via email:
Source: 721 News
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