PHILIPSBURG – Member of Parliament (MP) Leona Marlin Romeo attended her last meeting as an independent member of parliament to the Parlatino commission for political affairs, municipals and the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The three day discussion comprised of the revision of the draft law of the migration of Latin America, a framework on visions and articles that may be incorporated in the immigration laws of the respective countries, Immigration in Latin America and the Caribbean, and lastly the discussion papers of Donald Trump statements and intended approach on tackling specifically immigration through Mexico.
Immigration issues such as the recognition of degrees within the Latin American countries, the need for free movement within Latin America for economic prosperity, were also points of discussion.
Statistics were given showing that the United States and Canada remained the number one country or destination despite most part of the immigration in Latin America and the Caribbean is from within the region.
Questions such as should Trump win the elections are countries capable of absorbing the exodus of undocumented families and criminals?
In the context of the smaller islands such as Sint Maarten matters surrounding immigration reform and measures pertaining to protecting those that are legal on the island are yet to be discussed stated Member of Parliament Leona Marlin Romeo.
What is clear is that immediate action must be taken to ensure matters surrounding immigration are properly addressed specifically in light of the discussions on a national health care system, free education, proper statistics of the civil registry department, the weaknesses of Social and Health Insurance SZV, and lack of compliance in paying taxes.
As a member of Parlatino certain agreements cannot be incorporated, as it is a small island and Sint Maarten cannot absorb the impact of free movement of Latin American citizens, however certain measures and agreements can be put in place once discussed and agreed upon by the government and Parliament of Sint Maarten.
The commission will reconvene in December where further discussions will be held on the subject matter and a statement will be published on behalf of Parlatino pertaining to the discriminatory statements of Donald Trump specifically towards Mexico.
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