MP Tamara Leonard to present motion to lower MPs’ salaries

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — United People (UP) party Member of Parliament Tamara Leonard intends to submit a motion during the budget handling in the plenary session of Parliament to lower the salary of Members of Parliament (MPs). Her proposal is to put the salary on par with that of MPs in Curacao.

Members of Parliament in Curacao received NAf. 12,000 per month. MPs in St. Maarten receive NAf. 19,000 a month.

“If we are really serious about tightening up our belts, working for the people and putting the country in a better financial position, we should start in our own house. We need to start in Parliament. We need to show the people of St. Maarten we understand the pressure. We as parliamentarians need to take the lead. This is why I have prepared a motion with a proposal to amend the salary regulation,” said MP Leonard.

MP Leonard is not stopping there. She intends to bring a second motion to cut the pay of former MPs. Those who have completed their time in Parliament will only receive a full exiting salary for six months or one year at half salary.

To level the field, MP Leonard said she intends to tackle the overall salaries of the levels of the civil service. “Civil servants and employees of government-owned companies should not earn more than the prime minister. We need to cap the top salaries and address social and other concerns with the cost savings,” she said.

The salary cap for top civil servants will not be applicable to those who are in current positions. MP Leonard said it will go into effect when one of the top posts gets a new appointee.

Source: 721 news MP Tamara Leonard to present motion to lower MPs’ salaries