New garbage collection contractor to be chosen today

PHILIPSBURG – Minister of VROMI Angel Meyers disclosed that the Council of Ministers will decide today, Thursday, March 24, which company will be awarded the garbage collection contract running from 2016-2021.

The bids have been submitted and reviewed and the final advice on the awarding of the contract has been provided to government. Nineteen contractors submitted bids tendered in February, this year, but ten did not qualify, the Minister disclosed. “Nine contractors submitted a bid that were in accordance with the terms of reference; five companies submitted the most competitive bids,” the Minister said.

The contract is for a duration of 5 years and is valued at over NAf. 32 million. On a yearly basis that amounts to over NAf. 6.5 million. A letter of comfort will be given to the chosen contractor so they can begin garbage collection on April 1.

Minister Meyers explained that the previous contract comprised four parcels of the island. With the new contract, the island has been divided into eight parcels. Parcel 1 consists of the Philipsburg area; Parcel 2: Pointe Blanche, Sucker Garden, Pond Island and Madame Estate areas; Parcel 3: Mount William, Middle Region, Defiance, Oyster Pond and Dawn Beach; Parcel 4: Dutch Quarter and the Belvedere areas, Parcel 5: Fort Willem, Bush Road, Zagersgut, Coralita Road, Mary’s Fancy, intersection of LB Scott Road and Gladiola Road towards Cay Hill and AJC Brouwers Road and towards Cole Bay; Parcel 6: Intersection LB Scott Road, Gladiola Road towards South Reward, St. Johns, etc. Parcel 7: Cole Bay Hill, Indigo Bay, Cole Bay, Cay Bay, Pelican area towards Simpson Bay and Parcel 8: Simpson Bay, Beacon Hill and Cupecoy.

Meyers said these parcels will make garbage collection more manageable and ensure the contractors are fulfilling their responsibilities. Additionally, he believes the eight parcels will present opportunities for subcontractors.

Source: 721 news New garbage collection contractor to be chosen today