Saint Martin — The massive terrorist attack that occurred in Paris on Friday 13th affected our country in its heart. Paris was plunged into chaos and once again, innocent people are the target of the terrorists.
On this bloody Friday, my first thoughts go to the victims and to the families who have lost loved ones in this tragedy. I also think of the entire country, of all the French people, living in France, living abroad and overseas, living in Saint-Martin, who received this news with horror and great sadness.
In this tragic momen for our country we have to remain united around the values of freedom, equality and fraternity that are the strength of France. We need to brandish these values in all circumstances for them to continue to illuminate our country.
Numerous St Martiners live in Paris or are currently on holiday or on business trip, I ask them to carefully follow the instructions of the government and to stay home as much as possible.
I am in regular contact with madame la Prefete Anne Laubies, she is in Paris at the moment, and keeps me informed of government decisions.
Prime Minister of Sint Maarten Marcel Gumbs called me to send a message of support and cooperation to our country.
Governor of Sint Maarten Eugene Holliday gave me all his support and expressed his condolences to our country.
I sent a message to President François Holland through his overseas Councillor Marc Visy and to Minister of Overseas, George Pau-Langevin, to ensure them the unwavering support of the population of Saint-Martin.
Both were touched by our support messages and warmly thank St. Martin people for their solidarity.
Source: 721 news Paris Attacks – President Hanson reaction
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