>GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – The Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary in the Hague in her commitment to engage young professionals, entrepreneurs and young scholars from Sint Maarten living in the Netherlands, will be embarking on a series of informational discussion and debating events at the Cabinet starting October 2018.
This initiative falls under the recently prepared Action-plan 2018-2019 of the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary.
During these interactive sessions there will be lecturers from different disciplines giving presentations in their areas of expertise after which those present will be granted the opportunity to ask questions and enter into debating sessions and or voice their own opinion on these subject matters.
In our first series of debates, the topics will focus on encouraging the participation of young minds in the promotion, representation and the strengthening of the islands economic growth while promoting the educational, social and democratic fiber on the island of Sint Maarten.
The sole objective of this initiative is to further groom and involve the target group in making a conscious effort to return to the island of Sint Maarten to further build the country.
For those opting to remain in the Netherlands, we envision to stimulate them even more to work towards lobbying and involving Sint Maarten in their various professions, projects and areas of research. In so doing they will be showcasing the positive aspects and images of Sint Maarten and its people.
The first of three “After 5 @ the Cabinet” is scheduled to kick off on Tuesday October 30th with the topic, ‘Will you stay, or will you go?’ The presenters for this topic will come from our Young Professionals residing in the Netherlands.
The second After 5@ at the Cabinet will be held on Thursday November 22. Here we will feature the European Union and OCT’s, their roles in relations to Sint Maarten and the presenter will be our very own Mrs. Carol Voges, presently President of the OCTA. Both events will commence at 5.30 at the Cabinet.
While more subjects and potential external speakers are lined up, the Cabinet is open to suggestions for added topics and is calling on the young professionals and students to email their ideas and suggestions which the Cabinet will gladly consider and incorporate.
The Minister plenipotentiary is looking forward to engage in these topics and also decided to introduce possibilities for three or four internships at Cabinet in 2018/2019.
These sessions are for Sint Maarten students and professionals and will be carried out in collaboration for the sole purpose of uplifting, promoting and strengthening Sint Maarten with the proper know how from its very own.
For further information: Mrs Kelly Busby, Senior policy officer Education, Culture, Protocol & Press:KBusby@kgmsxm.nl
Source: 721 News https://721news.com/local-news/sint-maarten-house-to-commence-with-informational-sessions-debating-events-in-october/
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