Pond Island – TelEm Group management expressed much pride and appreciation to customers who voted the company as Best Telecoms provider in the Daily Herald Best of the Best annual awards announced Friday.
Hours after the announcement, and during a scheduled General Meeting, management dedicated the company’s second win in a row to its customers island-wide who continue to support TelEm despite a number of challenges the company faced during the year.
“It is most heartening that our customers continue to be patient with us and to understand that with issues that are seriously affecting our quality of service and the user experience, such as frequency interference from carriers of the neighboring islands over which we have no control, that they are still ready to give us the opportunity to do better,” said Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Mrs. Helma Etnel during the general meeting, held at the Belair Community Center.
“We are extremely happy that St. Maarten has chosen their own telecommunication company as the number one provider for the second year running,” added the CFO.
“It means we must not take that trust and support for granted, but do all we can to improve our service and continue to give the service that our customers expect and now demand,” said Mrs. Etnel.
She congratulated personnel for making the successful year possible and for a huge show of team support by turning out to the general meeting in a sea of red shirts and blouses to deliver their own message of thanks to family, friends and St. Maarten generally for their support.
Mrs. Etnel said everyone should feel confident that they can deliver on a 2016 promise to launch new products and services this year that will justify the confidence that has been shown by TelEm Group customers in 2015.
“For us it’s not about being first to launch a new service, but about being the best to deliver a reliable and affordable service to customers and to Country St. Maarten that we can maintain efficiently, without interference and with our own home-grown talent and personnel,” added Mrs. Etnel.
Source: 721 news TelEm Group dedicates “Best Telecoms Provider” win to supportive customers, caring staff
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