Two dead, three injured in plane crash

Plane crashed in Suriname

CMC – The police report that the plane, a privately owned Cessna 206, crashed while trying to land at the airstrip in Apura.
The pilot was taking Calor and the tourists on a fishing trip to the game rich West Suriname area.

Calor was an avid sports-fisherman who owned Fishfinder, an outdoor sports business in Paramaribo and regularly took tourists in fishing trips in the interior.

The Cesna left the Zorg en Hoop airport here around 8.45am (local time) and was expected to land at the Apura airstrip at 10.12am. Civil aviation authorities say they last had contact with the pilot at 9.56am.

“I heard the plane approaching and it passed really low over my house. But it did not touch down then. It went around came back in approach, but then we heard something crash. The plane went down at about 400 meters distance from the airport. We ran to it and that’s when we saw that the pilot and the other man in the front seat were dead; the men in the back were injured,” said a villager who witnessed the crash.

Police and a team from the civil aviation authority traveled to the village where investigations are underway.

Source Montserrat Reporter

Source: 721 news Two dead, three injured in plane crash