Yellow Fever: PAHO urges Member States to remain vigilant. CPS monitoring

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reported in a recent epidemiological report about yellow fever in the Americas, Brazil reported the occurrence of an outbreak in the state of Minas Gerais and epizootics in the neighbouring state of Espirito Santo.

From epidemiological week (EW) 1 of 2017 until January 18, 2017, in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil, 206 suspected and probably cases of yellow fever were reported, including 53 deaths.  Twenty-two of the 53 probable cases died.  Human cases were reported in 29 municipalities, 22 of which also reported the occurrence of epizootics in non-human primates.

PAHO has advised in light of the increase in confirmed cases of yellow fever in countries of the Americas Region, as well as the increase of epizootic due to yellow fever, Member States are to continue their efforts to detect, confirm and manage cases of yellow fever in a context of circulation of several arboviruses.

PAHO urges Member States to implement necessary actions to properly inform and vaccinate travellers heading to areas where certification of yellow fever is mandatory.

The Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department in the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA), will continue to monitor developments related to yellow fever and have its surveillance mechanism be on alert for any potential cases.

Persons traveling to countries with yellow fever should be vaccinated.  Those returning to Sint Maarten experiencing symptoms should immediately consult their family physician.

In Brazil in 2015, nine cases of jungle yellow fever were confirmed in three states, with a case fatality rate of 55.5 per cent.  In 2016, six cases were confirmed.

In Colombia, in EW 1 of 2017, there were no suspected or confirmed yellow fever cases reported.  In 2016, up to EW 52, a total of 12 cases of jungle yellow fever were reported, seven laboratory confirmed and five probable.

In Peru, up to EW 52 of 2016, 79 cases of jungle yellow fever were reported, of which 62 were confirmed, and 17 classified as probably, including 24 deaths.

For more information call CPS at 542-2078, 542-3003 or email

Source: 721 News