Shot former murder accused succumbs

Former murder accused, Keron Herbert, who was shot Saturday night while closing his stall at the Vendors’ Arcade, has succumbed to his injuries.  The 29-year-old father of four died in the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU)Sunday , less than a day after he was shot four times by a lone gunman. Herbert, of Lot 31 Morocut Square, East La Penitence had sustained injuries to the throat, buttocks, stomach and one of his thighs. He had also suffered severe damage to his spine and one of his kidneys and doctors had informed his relatives that if had had survived, he would not have been able to walk again. Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum last night declined to comment on a possible motive for the execution, other than saying that detectives “were exploring every possibility.”.(…[+]

Source: Dutch Caribbean News Shot former murder accused succumbs