Strangled by Success, a Philippine Boomtown Expands Into the Sea

In the shadow of the Philippines’ highest volcano, Davao city’s reputation as one of the safest, most vibrant and best-run cities in the country is drawing migrants and business people in their thousands. But there’s nowhere to put them. Encompassed by hills to the north, the Celebes Sea to the southeast and the looming presence of Mt. Apo to the west, Davao has become a victim of its own success, and an archetype of modern urbanization in developing countries, where inward migration is outstripping governments’ ability to supply infrastructure and services. The economy of Davao region, which includes the city, expanded 9.4 percent in 2014, the fastest in the country, and is expected to top…

Source: Dutch Caribbean News Strangled by Success, a Philippine Boomtown Expands Into the Sea