Garbage collection not up to par


Scenes of garbage containers filled to the brim and in many cases way above storage capacity are becoming common around the Dutch side of the island since of late. Especially on weekends, there seems to be no timely collection of garbage, or no collection whatsoever in certain areas.

According to Minister of VROMI, Angel Meyers, a new garbage collection contractor was awarded the contract at the end of last month and was scheduled to start per April 1st, 2016. Minister Meyers stated at the time: “The contract is for a duration of 5 years and is valued at over NAf. 32 million. On a yearly basis that amounts to over NAf. 6.5 million. A letter of comfort will be given to the chosen contractor so they can begin garbage collection on April 1”.

It appears that the new garbage collection contractor(s) is not collecting the garbage frequently enough as can be witnessed from the pictures below of overflowing garbage bins captured this weekend in the Saunders and Cul de Sac areas. At times garbage is placed next to the bins as there is no space inside the full receptacles, creating a health hazard as rodents and stray dogs open the garbage bags and create a larger mess in the surrounding areas with garbage flying away which ends up on the streets and in the water ways.

Hopefully Minister Meyers can urgently instruct the new garbage collection contractor(s) to increase the frequency of garbage collection in order for these scenes of overflowing garbage bins to become a thing of the past as it’s a nuisance to residents and tourists alike.

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New garbage collection contractor to be chosen today



  1. It’s true, I’ve witnessed it too and it’s nasty. Why can’t they just pick up the garbage more times per day? And on weekends, there is always more garbage because people have time to do chores (clean up, yard work etc).

    It’s also time for us living here to start to recycle more. There is a recycling bin located on the Pond Fill across from Rima where you can deliver your plasic bottles, cans and cardboard. That cuts out a lot of garbage also. We need to also look at ourselves and how we need to take responsibility for our waste.

    The dump (mountain) ain’t getting smaller by it self, we need to take action too.