Garbage collection still a major problem


PHILIPSBURG – Since the Minister of VROMI issued the garbage collection contracts to other operators per April 1st, 2016 the collection of garbage on the Dutch side of St. Maarten has seen the regular garbage collection points overflowing with garbage in the majority of the districts on St. Maarten.

Especially the collection of garbage in the St. Peters, Saunders, Cul de Sac areas remains a point of grave concern for residents who are voicing their opinion of social media.

A concerned resident posted these pics on Facebook today with the following message:

“Please don’t misunderstand my intentions. I am not posting these pics for any political or negative motives.

My concern lies with our general well being in the widest sense of the word.
Hoping that serious measures will be taken to correct this critical situation and not just sweep it under the rug like so many other issues.

But this seems to be the new standard of living for the Cul de Sac basin these days. These were taken on Sunday (yesterday, April 10th) afternoon. This morning people are resorting to taking their own garbage bins to the “Big bins” which are too high to dump your garbage into. Results ? ‪#‎Someoneplsdealwiththis‬. !!!!! (and trust me, these are not all the pics.) ”

In a response, the Minister of VROMI, Angel Meyers issued a statement early last week that residents with grievances about their garbage collection should contact their district’s garbage collection contractor directly and provided phone numbers.

However, as Government is ultimately responsible for the well-being of its citizens, Minister Meyers is hereby urgently requested to tackle this crucial issue head on instead of deferring the problem to the affected citizens. Our country’s image is deteriorating with overflowing garbage each passing day and more importantly, the health of SXM residents is at stake.

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  1. Seriously how STUPID can you be as a Government to give out a contract like that WITHOUT THE PROPER CHECKS AND BALANCES!!

    As a tax paying resident, I don’t care WHO gets the contract, as long as that party CAN DO THE JOB!!

    In this case, the current contractors ARE NOT FIT TO DO JOB (yet)!! Let them get ready on their own time without inconveniencing those that PAY TO GET A BASIC SERVICE DONE!!!

    This deal smells bad on all sides!!

    Set of jokers we got running the country!