After 6 years of wet leases from Air Antilles, Winair will get their own ATR planes | BES REPORTER


  1. A small correction of the commercial propaganda in this so-called news article:
    This company did never pay his employees decent wages, and from the start of the corona period the exploiters got the legal opportunity to cut all salaries, of course except those in the board and directors.
    Furthermore, by being such a nice helper of the Dutch government, the discriminating subsidies of millions of taxpayers money, under all kinds of excuses, were used to fill the bank accounts.
    Even fares that were part of deals could be increased, because the white men and women in Den Haag, made it possible.
    Maintenance of their planes became worse, so, again money was spared.
    And all people on our islands know by own experience how bad the service of this company is.
    Result: A few new planes, but a shit service, prices that are far too high, and most important: indecent level of wages for the workers of this company.