Alpha Team reflects operations on 2021

The Alpha Team has compiled an analysis of its operations in 2021 compare with those of previous years in particular the number of packages of narcotics intercepted by the team.

The amount of narcotics intercepted and confiscated at Princess Juliana International Airport and Port St. Maarten cargo section is much high compared to previous years. The reason for the increase is not completely clear as yet. The Alpha Team will continue to monitor this situation.

The Alpha Team is a jointly multidisciplinary team comprising the Police Force of St. Maarten KPSM, Customs, Immigration, the Koninklijke Marechaussee, and the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard.

Traffic accidents

Over the past week, KPSM’s Traffic Department has yet again handled a number of accidents resulting in injuries.

KPSM will be continue to carry out the controls on scooter riders and motorcyclists, especially due to some road users not respecting or obeying traffic regulations. Their behavior is a nuisance to the community and endangers the lives of others.

According to an international study, several factors influence the cause of scooters and motorcycles involvement in accidents. These include:

  • Speed-related errors
  • Stunts
  • None or inappropriate protective equipment
  • Traffic violations

Anyone with information about any dangerous rider or others plaguing the community, contact the Police Force: 54-22222 or emergency number 911.

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Source: Faxinfo