Emilio Wilson Estate: are regulations being met?



CUL DE SAC – With the signing of the lease agreement between the Government of St. Maarten and Rain Forest Adventures (RFA) to lease part of the Emilio Wilson Estate (EWE) and operate a park, said agreement stated that certain conditions would have to be met. One of these conditions is that only 5 percent of EWE can be used for the building of permanent structures.

Rain Forest President Joseph Preschel even confirmed to media in February of this year that “less than 5 percent of the Emilio Wilson estate will be impacted by the park.” https://www.sxm-talks.com/today-sxm/rain-forest-adventures-park-ready-next-year-aprilmay/

After a recent walk-through of the ongoing construction, the question arises if indeed only 5% of EWE is impacted by the RFA park. Two large foundations are being constructed at the moment and the path cut out on the hill  (supposedly for a chair lift) leading to the top of the mountain which is at least 20 meters wide in certain spots impact EWE significantly; if not physically, visually at least.


Perhaps RFA can update the general public on the exact construction plans and how these fit with the conditions and regulations attached to the construction on EWE. Furthermore, the general public would like to hear if the Department of Inspections at VROMI are conducting regular checks to ensure the pre-set conditions are indeed met.

Perhaps a matter of perspective, but looking at the sensitive subject that the RFA Park project at EWE is for many residents on St. Maarten, some clarity on the ongoing construction would be welcomed.

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  1. Wow, thank you for posting this. I really hope RFA takes the EWE very serious in terms of preserving its legacy. The less Disney-fied, the better!