ENVIRONMENT: Back to the sea council of Clair St Maximim students | FAXINFO

Since 2016, five Marine Educational Area (AME) initiatives have been created in the territory of Saint-Martin. This educational and eco-citizen project for knowledge and protection of the marine environment is carried out by children from several schools, including Clair St Maximim, which recently held its expanded sea council in the presence of officials.

In collaboration with the Saint-Martin Nature Reserve represented by Vincent Oliva, head of environmental education and referent for AME students, the Collectivity of Saint-Martin, the Conservatoire du Littoral with the presence of Anne-Marie Bouillé, the National Education and the State represented at the Sea Council by Fabien Sésé, secretary general of the prefecture, the eco-citizen project "Sentinels of the Galion" is the first to have received, from the French office for biodiversity (OFB) the Aire Marine Éducative label in 2018 after the children had, among other things, chosen the Galion site, enriched their knowledge of ecosystems and met maritime professionals.

Between 2019 and 2021, the children replanted the mangrove and created a nursery. Since 2021, they have been monitoring plantations and studying phanerogam meadows while participating in campaigns for the green cause. The Clair St Maximim elementary school, the Roche Gravée middle schools in Moho, which also has an educational land area, Mont des Accords and Soualiga were joined by Happy School in 2022, which in turn is launching its AME which aims to raise children's awareness of Environmental Protection. During the extended sea council, this time it was the children who raised the awareness of the officials on issues specific to the preservation of biodiversity. Another point raised by young people: the lack of facilities for learning to swim. As the Galion site is protected, Fabien Sésé has undertaken to work with the management of the RNN to assess the possibility of installing water lines there, while proposing to publish the children's project on the prefecture's website. . The small eco-responsible also challenged the officials on the possibilities of bringing visibility to their actions and making them permanent: put up an AME panel on the Galion site to raise awareness among the public to respect the area and their replanting more, how reduce the nuisances caused by man who disturb the nesting of sea turtles whose season has started on all the beaches of Saint-Martin, organize a joint meeting between Saint-Martin students to share the environmental cause with as many people as possible. 44 children were present during this sea council, with communicative enthusiasm and a fierce desire to protect their environment. _Vx

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/environnement-retour-sur-le-conseil-de-la-mer-des-eleves-de-clair-st-maximim/