ENVIRONMENT: More than 7 people benefited from the interventions of the Nature Reserve from January to December 700 | FAXINFO

The educational center of the Nature Reserve  carried out 385 interventions in 88 classes – 19 schools, 1 training center, 2 organizations and 9 associations – indoors and in the field: on the Froussards trail, the Embouchure bay, the Créole rock and the beaches of Lowlands.

The next objective will be to be able to set up kayak trips in the mangrove of Embouchure Bay. The significant increase in time devoted to activities compared to 2022 results from the anticipation of an increase in staff promised by the Collectivity of Saint-Martin – a commitment which remains to be materialized. To honor the promises made, Vincent Oliva chose to work overtime. However, this exceptional commitment cannot be sustained in 2024 without the concrete support of the Community. This overload also influenced the availability of Vincent Oliva for his other essential missions within the reserve, particularly in terms of development, regulation, and scientific research. To facilitate the reservation process, the center plans to develop an online platform, in order to make the coordination of interventions more fluid and to reduce the number of interventions by establishments so that everyone can benefit from an intervention by the nature reserve.

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/environnement-plus-de-7-700-personnes-ont-beneficie-des-interventions-de-la-reserve-naturelle-de-janvier-a-decembre-2023/