QUARTIER D’ORLÉANS: As part of the implementation and strengthening of public services in Quartier d’Orléans, a public meeting was held at the Roches Gravées de Moho College on Wednesday, November 16 at 6 pm.
About sixty people were present in the school’s multi-purpose room to discuss three issues that are important to them: an annex of the Gendarmerie, a territorial postal agency, and a Maison France Services. The State and the Collectivité were represented by Fabien Sésé, Secretary General of the Prefecture, Vincent Berton, Delegate Prefect of the Northern Islands, who was happy to be able to exchange directly with the population to better adapt local public services, Dominique Democrite Louisy, 3rd Vice-President of the Collectivité, Martine Beldor, member of the Executive Council and Steven Cocks, Territorial Councilor. At the request of the public, the latter improvised himself as a translator so that the words of each person could be expressed in French and English. The gendarmerie brigade having been destroyed during the passage of Hurricane Irma in 2017, the forces of order no longer reside in barracks in Quartier d’Orléans but in Hope Estate.
To compensate for this absence, Major Christophe informed residents that an annex of the Gendarmerie is now located at Building 7 of the residence Les Hirondelles opposite La Palmeraie. Open on Mondays and Fridays in the morning and on Wednesday afternoons, the desire to re-establish a brigade in the neighborhood permanently was expressed to the public, who requested it. Salammbô Guibert-Soutade, head of the Local Development Department, presented the Maison France Services, which currently offers help with administrative procedures in two containers. In December 2022, the 120m2 offices equipped with 4 computer stations will be accessible in building 4 of the Les Hirondelles residence in apartments 401 and 402 from Monday to Friday in the morning and on Wednesday afternoons.
The post office will open its doors at the beginning of December in apartment 602, still in the Les Hirondelles residence, with extended opening hours: from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. Sending and receiving registered mail, parcels, cash withdrawal,s and deposits of up to €500 per week, financial advice, Antony Véron, sector manager of the Banque Postale in Saint-Martin, ensures a quality service that will evolve in a space that will benefit from a covered terrace and access adapted for people with reduced mobility.
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