FISHING: The COM renews territorial aid for tutoring sailors | FAXINFO

On December 22, the Executive Council decided, during an extension deliberation, to renew territorial aid for the tutoring of sailors and will make adjustments to the aid regulations.

The aforementioned territorial aid for sailor tutoring ended on December 31, 2023. However, a certain number of learner sailors have not yet validated their navigation time and, consequently, have not been able to validate their diploma. This lack of validation is due to the difficulties encountered by fishermen in obtaining certain administrative documents to request the system. This situation leads to a modification of the aid regulations, with regard to deadlines. Furthermore, to be able to respond quickly to the request of fishermen wishing to benefit from the system, the Executive Council decided that it would be appropriate to extend the period of validity of this aid until December 31, 2027, without prejudice to the maximum duration of ugly. This aid is capped in compliance with European regulations on de minimis aid (small amount of state aid granted to businesses) in the fishing and aquaculture sector. This “de minimis” ceiling for the fishing sector was set at 30.000 euros until December 31, 2023 per three-year period and per beneficiary company. The Executive Council therefore took the decision to approve the specific regulation of territorial aid for sailor tutoring, duly extended until December 31, 2027. The latter will be subject to adjustments in particular on the elimination of the duration in sea, on the duration and amount of aid at 15 months, on the salary according to his experience and the final number of the seafarer. _VX

Source: Faxinfo