Fresh Pond illegally filled at Celebration Palace

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CUL DE SAC – SXM Talks received several complaints from concerned residents about a situation of illegally filling in of the Fresh Pond by what appears to be the owners of the lot that formerly housed Celebration Palace.

“We have complained to authorities about this as soon as it started already over a month ago, but the filing in has not stopped: it just continued”, says one concerned citizen who had a drone picture made and forwarded it to SXM Talks.

“The filling occurs at night and slowly but surely they have already filled in more then 100 square meters and they are not done as the filling continues daily. This is how they create extra land to build on, for free!”, the concerned resident continued.

“The illegal filling in of the Fresh Pond is not a new occurrence as the lot adjacent to the former Celebration Palace location where the Ms. Lallie’s Commercial Center on Bush Road is located, a large section of their back parking lot was also created by filling in the Fresh Pond. You can still see that the mangroves have not grown back which is a clear sign of filling in as all other lots bordering the Fresh Pond have large and thick mangrove vegetation”, the concerned resident concluded.

The Inspection Department of VROMI is responsible for checking if property owners respect boundaries as set by their certificate of admeasurement issued by the Kadaster Office.