HEALTH / Between ambitions and deficit: 2025, a key year for the hospital | FAXINFO

After a year marked by financial and organizational challenges, the Louis Constant Fleming hospital center begins 2025 under the sign of restructuring. Juggling between ambitions and managing a deficit, the interim governance of Éric Djamakorzian attempts to stabilize the situation.

The interim hospital director, Eric Djamakorzian, the 4th VP of the COM, Michel Petit, and the president of the Medical Establishment Commission (CME), Pierre-Marie Linet, presented their wishes for the year 2025 to all the hospital staff last Wednesday. “Despite the difficulties encountered, the reconstruction of the emergency room will finally begin. Also, we have managed to reintegrate the ambulance service,” declared Dr. Linet, thanking Mr. Djamakorzian’s governance “which is greatly needed today.” Indeed, for the past 6 months, Eric Djamakorzian has been traveling back and forth between Saint-Barth and Saint-Martin to ensure the management of the two hospitals, in the absence of the director Marie-Antoinette Lampis: “The establishment of stable and efficient governance is essential. I am in this position for an indefinite period but I am hopeful that a lasting solution will be put in place quickly. The status of interim is delicate”. The latter adds that a slowdown in activities and poor control of current expenses are fueling the budget deficit that the hospital is experiencing. Michel Petit confirms these dysfunctions before recalling that “the social climate is nevertheless stabilized, that the teams of specialists are almost reconstituted and that communication with the Community has improved”. In addition, the ARS is releasing, this year, €1,5 million for the psychiatric service, the structure and the operating budget of the hospital. _LM

Source: Faxinfo