Last Wednesday, the Territorial Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (ITSEE) presented the evolution of the number and characteristics of the inhabitants and housing of Saint-Martin at the Grand Case Beach Club.
As a reminder, ITSEE, the latest addition to the Saint-Martin Community, was created on March 21, 2023 by a unanimous vote of the Territorial Council. With a partnership agreement with INSEE under the direction of a former secondee from the national organization in the person of Philippe Winnicki, ITSEE is chaired by Alain Richardson who declared during this first official presentation of relative data to the census of the population of Saint-Martin: “Our objective is to share as much data and studies as possible in relation to the territory to go beyond the figures in order to be able to carry out analyzes and exploit more in-depth data”. The opportunity for ITSEE members to present the new dynamic logo whose colors reflect the values advocated, blue for expertise, trust and efficiency, green for growth and progress, and gray for professionalism, balance and modernity. With the slogan 'What cannot be measured, does not improve', the ITSEE has presented the first real analyzes of the Saint-Martin population, data collected by the Collectivité and supervised by INSEE. The census method applied in Saint-Martin is carried out each year in 8% of dwellings (1.500 dwellings per year) for 5 weeks and for 5 years. Due to the lack of a census in 2021 (Covid-19), this data was replaced by the result for 2018. As of January 1, 2024, the population of Saint-Martin is 31.477 inhabitants (2021 figure) compared to 36.979 in 2010 (most recent data). significant between 2006 and 2021). The number of births has gradually decreased: 763 births in 2014, 493 in 2017 (lowest figure) and 549 in 2021. With 141 deaths on average per year (194 in 2021), the natural balance, which represents the difference between the number of births and deaths, decreases (-43% between 2014 and 2021) but remains positive. Conversely, the migratory balance has remained negative since 2014 with a significant decrease between 2015 and 2019 but significant growth between 2019 and 2021 (+67%). The president of the ITSEE, Alain Richardson, admits to being surprised by a certain number of realities: “Despite maintaining a level of net balance of births VS deaths, we continue to lose the population. Saint-Martin is a land of emigration and more immigration, this is a significant element, one would have thought that more than 6 years after Irma, this tendency of the population to go elsewhere would have reduced but it is clear that we continue to have children but the population is decreasing.” If the territory remains young, those over 54 are increasing. Continued in our next edition. _VX
Source: Faxinfo
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