Legal advice being sought in NIPA amendments | SMN NEWS

~ Amendments sent to COM on Monday ~

PHILIPSBURG: — The Ministry of VSA is presently seeking legal advice on the amendments made to the articles of incorporation of the National Institute of Professional Advancement (NIPA). Minister of VSA Omar Ottley confirmed on Wednesday during the Council of Ministers press briefing that his ministry did not receive the amendments and he was only made aware late last year that the VSA representative term was up.
The Minister said he did not reappoint the VSA representative Peggy Ann Dros Richardson. Asked if the Ministry intends to replace the VSA representative on the NIPA board. Ottley said at the time when he found out that the VSA representative term was up he communicated with the Minister of ECYS to see what were the next steps but since the amendments were made and he was not informed it kind of eliminated the opportunity or responsibility of the Minister of VSA to actually to take any actions. “I am not saying that my task was to remove or to keep Peggy Ann Dros Richardson as the VSA representative. But the amendments now allow the board to decide as such…

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