Locations available for street vending

MARIGOT: The Direction de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Urbanisme, Délégation au Cadre de vie, informs the public of the availability of sites on the public domain of the Collectivity for a mobile sales activity. This activity is duly regulated.

Persons wishing to carry out an itinerant activity on the public domain of the Collectivity must possess a shop vehicle in good condition, perfectly in order to circulate on the public road.

To offer a quality level of services in the public domain and by the legislation in force, the Collectivité de Saint-Martin has set up selection criteria for itinerant vendors:

– The sales equipment (vehicle-boutique)

– The products offered for sale

– The skills of the operator


  1. The sales equipment must:

– Be perfectly mobile

– Have a neat external appearance

– Be identified by a professional graphic design , whenever possible

– Be insured throughout the duration of the authorization


  1. The products/services offered for sale will meet the following conditions:

– Quality and originality of the products

– Relevance of the offer in the area of installation: attractive products for the territory, the population and the tourists

– Transformation/assembly of the product by the operator within the sales infrastructure

– Traceability of the products


  1. Constitution of the application file

– Duly and clearly completed

– Equipped with elements demonstrating the competence of the petitioner


List of documents to be provided:

– The application form for a temporary occupation permit (or failing that, a letter signed by the applicant), downloadable from the Collectivité’s website in “Aides et Démarches” then “Occupation of the public domain :


– A copy of the applicant’s identity card

– Proof of address

– A note presenting the project with regard to the above criteria

– A list of human and material resources to operate the activity

– A description of the sales infrastructure


Applications must be addressed to:

– The President of the Collectivité de Saint-Martin, to the attention of the Délégué Général au Cadre de vie – service des Autorisations de voirie :

Cité administrative

Rue Jean-Jacques FAYEL in Concordia

0590 52-2730 (switchboard) / 0590 29-5613 (direct) / 0590 29-5614 (direct)

For any contact by email:

Patricia.HODGE-PIPER@com-saint-martin.fr / Hubert.Carvigant@com-saint-martin.fr

The post Locations available for street vending appeared first on Faxinfo.

Source: Faxinfo https://www.faxinfo.sx/2022/02/10/evening-weather-forecast-for-thu-feb-10-2022/