Minister Lee attends Lion's Health and Wellness Fair.

lionswellness06032016PHILIPSBURG:—- Wally Havertong and Lion’s President Eldert Louisa gave Minister Lee a personal tour of the 8th Annual Lion Rudy Hoeve Health and Wellness Fair. Over 25 organizations, foundations, health care providers and health support groups participated in the event as well as numerous professionals.

A truly impressive array of entities were represented including the St Maarten Diabetes Foundation, Tsu Chi Foundation, St Maarten Aids Foundation, Love of Kids Foundation, Alpha Health Care, Enable, Less Screen, The sickle Cell Foundation, Alzheimer Foundation, Public Health Department, SMMC, Kidney Foundation,Inner Harmony, Mental health Foundation, Down Syndrome Foundation, Sister Basilia Center, White and Yellow Cross, WIEMS, SZV, Natures Discount, Parkinson’s foundation and many more.

The Ministry of VSA was well represented by CPS or Collective Preventative Services, the health bus and the youth dental bus.

Minister Lee commented, “The Lions Club annual Rudy Hoeve Health and Wellness Fair was very impressive. One of the Ministry’s main focuses is on preventative care. Everyone agrees that the best investments in healthcare are investments made into preventative care programs, and while this annual event is wonderful, the challenge for the Ministry is to make educational programs and preventative care programs regular activities and to improve the penetration into our communities. The benefits of simple lifestyle adjustments and being proactive about our health goes far beyond reduced health care costs; the benefits of healthy lifestyles can dramatically improve the quality of life of our people. This isn’t just about living longer lives, this is also about improving the quality, richness and vigor of our lives.”

Source: St. Martin News Network Minister Lee attends Lion's Health and Wellness Fair.