NARCOTRAFFIC: Record seizure of 3,5 tonnes of cocaine off the coast of Barbados! | FAXINFO

The Antilles-Guyane patrol boat “La Combattante” of the French Navy carried out, on November 28, a record season of 3 tonnes of cocaine on a fishing vessel flying the Venezuelan flag on the high seas to the south-east of Barbados.

After a phase of localization and tracking by aerial means then interception by the crew of “La Combattante”, 119 bales were seized and tested positive for cocaine, for a total weight of around 3,5 tonnes!

In accordance with international regulations in the fight against drug trafficking, the crew members and their cargo were handed over to the Venezuelan authorities at sea, who will apply their legal procedure.

This operation,  conducted by the Armed Forces in the Antilles, was carried out with the support of French customs and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, in coordination with American allies and Colombian partners of the armed forces in the Antilles.

The FAA's balance sheet for the year 2023 thus amounts to nearly 10 tonnes of narcotics withdrawn from the distribution networks. _AF

Source: Faxinfo