SCHOOLING: Opening of CP registrations for the 2024/2025 school year | FAXINFO

 The Collectivity of Saint-Martin informs parents of students of the opening of registrations in preparatory course (CP) classes, for the 2024-2025 school year, according to the terms below.


All Sectors combined:

From 4 March to 29 March 2024

Parents of children enrolled in the large section (GS) will collect the information sheet from the school which, duly completed, will be submitted to the school affairs department until March 29, 2024.

  Transfer request or new registration

From June 17 to July 3, 2024:

Nursery or elementary classes (bringing siblings or homes together)

Elementary classes: (new arrivals, private school or elsewhere)

Transfer requests will be studied on a case-by-case basis and granted within the limit of available places. The files will be subject to a specific analysis.

Request for exemption (if you wish to enroll your child in a school other than the one you belong to, the request will be processed by the committee). The form can be collected from the school affairs office.

Here is the list of documents to be provided per child for any registration or transfer. Please note, the registration request can only be accepted if the file is complete.

Documents concerning the child:

– Photocopy of the family record book or a birth certificate extract

– Photocopy of the vaccine pages of the health record (the vaccines must be up to date)

– Certificate of cancellation :

In the event of a transfer request or new registration for children already in school

In the event of a change of public or private school

Documents concerning legal parents: (photocopies)

  Identity document of legal representatives

– Proof of address in the names of legal representatives less than 3 months old (EDF or SAUR invoices or landline or mobile telephone or lease or other administrative documents)

– Notice of taxation or non-taxation 2022

– Without proof of address in the names of legal representatives, provide a valid address certificate

– Photocopy of the court judgment for the exercise of parental authority and the identity document of the ascendants or legally responsible persons (in the event of separation, divorce)

Registration certificates must be collected from:

June 12, 2024 for kindergarten and CP

June 26, 2024 for elementary

School registrations can be done online using the following methods:

Downloadable from the website of the Collectivity of Saint-Martin,

Shortened link:

And submission of the complete file by email:

You can also drop off the complete file in a mailbox provided for this purpose, at the school affairs department in the Community annex, former Bord de mer school, rue de la Liberté. Public reception hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 13:00 p.m. to 15:00 p.m.

Source: Faxinfo