Local taxation: a measured increase
At the Territorial Council of December 19, the household waste management tax (TGOM) was increased to 20,61%, generating an additional €2 million to improve waste management. This rate remains lower than the average observed in the French overseas territories. Other local taxes, such as the TGCA (4%), property tax or the business license contribution, remain unchanged. On the income tax side, the brackets are adjusted to inflation (except for very high incomes): incomes below €7 remain exempt, and tax rates remain stable.
Increased support for caregivers
The Daily Allowance for Caregivers (AJPA), managed by the CAF, is changing in 2025. Caregivers can now claim 66 days of compensation per person they care for, with a total ceiling of 264 days over their lifetime. This national measure also applies to Saint-Martin, unless otherwise provided in the future.
Pensions and purchasing power: mixed revaluations
Basic pensions increase by 2,2% on 1 January 2025, in line with inflation. The motion of censure that brought down the Barnier government suspended additional measures, such as an increase in small pensions planned for July, as well as the possibility of using restaurant vouchers to buy food products in supermarkets.
Supervision of tourist rentals
From 2025, French municipalities (and de facto the Collectivité) will be able to limit the maximum rental period for main residences to 90 days per year. A civil fine of €15000 will apply in the event of exceeding this limit. Mayors, and by extension the territorial council, will also have the possibility of establishing quotas for furnished tourist accommodation and of dedicating certain sectors to main residences through their local urban planning scheme. It remains to be seen how the COM will define its strategy on this issue.
Postage stamps
Postal rates will continue to rise in 2025. The green letter will cost €1,39, while the price of parcels will increase by an average of 6,8%. _AK
Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/societe-ce-qui-change-depuis-le-1er-janvier-2025/
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