THEATRE: “Maïwenn 16 ½ years old”, a strong call for intergenerational discussion | FAXINFO

After a remarkable start to the season with high quality plays, the Théâtre de la Chapelle invites the public to discover the moving show “Maïwenn 16 ½ years old” on Friday 3 and Saturday 4 March at 19:30 p.m.

Poignant and topical piece written by Charlotte Boimare and Magali Solignat who signs the staging, "Maïwenn 16 ½ years old" whose character  is interpreted by the promising Louise Savatier enrolled in the Florent course, tells the touching story of a young girl who sees her life change overnight. Coming from a strict and observant family, the teenager decides to free herself from her rigid upbringing by befriending 17-year-old Olga, whom she met on an online forum called “My mother hates me”. Played by Jann Beaudry, singer and actress from Martinique who has the talent to play other secondary characters in this play as educational as it is singular, Olga will trigger a real cataclysm in Maïwenn's life. For the 16 ½ year old teenager, social networks represent a door to the world, a call for challenges. The two young girls will become the best friends in the world without ever having seen each other… a strong bond which will reveal all its toxicity over the course of the show co-produced by L'Artchipel de Guadeloupe. Do not miss. _Vx

  Info and tickets:

Source: Faxinfo