Water sport: Get ready for the special Christmas edition of Aqua Sport Night | FAXINFO

This Wednesday, December 20 from 18 p.m. to 20 p.m., Charlotte Backovic, recently qualified lifeguard, is organizing a second edition of Aqua Sport Night in a typical Christmas spirit at the Belair Fitness Center swimming pool in Cay Hill.

This sporting event bringing together several aquatic activities in one was thought of, created and brought to life last April by Charlotte Backovic as part of her training for the Professional Certificate in Youth, Popular Education and Sport, Aquatic Activities and Swimming with the support of his fellow trainees and the Tous à l’Ô association. After successfully completing her lifeguard training, Charlotte decided to make her Aqua Sport Night a signature event and repeat the experience in a Christmas format by going solo, with her own funds. It should be noted that Charlotte's organization of sporting events is impeccable and left memorable memories for the participants of the first edition. One thing is certain, the atmosphere promises to be friendly, supportive and sporty.

The event will therefore take place this Wednesday, December 20 at the swimming pool of the Belair Fitness Center in Cay Hill (opposite the Dutch hospital) from 18 p.m. to 20 p.m. The water cross will last 1 hour 15 minutes with three rotating facilitators who will each offer their specialty: Aquagym, Aquafitness and Aquacrossfit. To motivate the participants, Charlotte has planned Christmas music as a nod to the end-of-year holidays and light shows to brighten up the Aqua Sport Night. At the price of €15 per person, the event is open to everyone, beginners or experienced water sports. Thanks to its many benefits, Aqua Sport Night will do you both body and mind good. After the session, time for discussions and recovery with Christmas snacks, snacks and hot chocolate to regain strength after the effort. To discover or relive Charlotte's Aqua Sport Night, scan the QR Code on the poster to access the registration form. Or via this link: https://t.ly/TjNSU. Meet this Wednesday at 18 p.m. at the swimming pool of the Belair Fitness Center in Cay Hill for a good sports session and support the youth of Saint-Martin in their professional projects. _VX

Info: +590 690 37 55 86

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/sport-aquatique-preparez-vous-pour-ledition-speciale-noel-de-laqua-sport-night/