SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) – On Friday, December 20, 2019, the Members of the Committee of Civil Servants Union (CCSU) received a request, from the Honorable Minister of Justice, to approve the proposed amendments to the National Decree “Besluit rechtspositie Korps Politie Sint Maarten”.
Based on article 112h of the “Landsverordening materieel ambtenarenrecht”, the CCSU has to grant its approval in order for the Minister of Justice to proceed with the proposal to amend the National Decree, to establish the new salary scales for the St. Maarten Police Department.
After a careful review of the requisite documentation that was submitted, the proposed amendments to the new salary scales for the St. Maarten Police Department, were unanimously approved by the CCSU on Friday December 27, 2019.
An official letter was sent to the Honorable Minister to inform that members are in agreement with the content of the documents and do not have any reservations with the proposed amendments that were submitted to the CCSU on December 20, 2019.
Source: Souliga Newsday
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