Chris: It’s reprehensible the way justice workers, teachers continue to be treated | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Christophe Emmanuel on Wednesday said it is reprehensible how police officers, immigrations officers, firemen and women, teachers, nurses and others continues to be placed on the back burner of the current government. “I hope these hard working people remember how this government has treated them,” MP Emmanuel said.

“People who should be placed at the front of the line because of their importance to the community and the fact that most put their lives on the line daily, are just cast aside and told to wait,” Emmanuel said. “Promises are made and broken, they are insulted and spoken to like they are children. This government knows that these workers cannot strike or walk off the job and they take full advantage of that to prolong their suffering,” Emmanuel said.

He said the government has failed again with justice workers still waiting “on their money” that was promised since the beginning of the year. “The government’s unprofessional response is to try and pit justice personnel against each other by implying that some justice workers are on the side of the government and not the unions. Typical divide, delay, conquer. Plant a seed to get to them argue amongst themselves while you continue to fool them,” MP Emmanuel said.

MP Emmanuel said the government has degraded the discussions with justice workers and teachers through its unprofessional way of addressing and dealing with the issue. He said instead of belittling and dismissing the workers, “try living up to what was promised and stop moving the goal post every time a deadline arrives and the workers voice their frustration.”

“It should not be that every time teachers, police, firefighters and other front liners and first responders have a grievance, they are forced to take it public because they cannot get through to the government. The only time these hard workers have gotten anything is when they go on go slow or hold meetings during working hours, or show up at the government building.”

He continued: “This government has developed a habit of making people lives miserable with salary cuts, non-payments of money, no attempt to tackle cost of living. But then they try and flip a loss into a win by hastily trying to put a band-aid over a wound to look good for an election. Do not forget my people, do not forget what they have put you through,” Emmanuel said.

The MP asked the government to realize that first responders are usually the first on the scene to face challenging, dangerous, and draining situations. These duties, although essential to the entire community, are strenuous to first responders and with time put them at an increased risk of trauma. “Think about the mental health of these workers with what you are putting them through. It is not fair.”
