SINT MARTIN (MARIGOT) - “Donating to a library reaches so many lives!” said Tamara Groeneveldt (R), author of After the Storm. The St. Martin writer presented her bestselling poetry collection to the École Maternelle Éliane Clarke on October 12, 2022.
The book was received by Ms. Toma (R), the librarian of the kindergarten. Several St. Martin authors toured the island’s schools over the last two months, some in connection with International Literacy Day, September 8.
Poets published by House of Nehesi (HNP), including Groeneveldt and Faizah Tabasamu, were among authors invited by schools to talk with students about the importance of writing, books, and the value and interpretation of their personal, cultural, and historical stories, said HNP president Jacqueline Sample.
Source: Souliga Newsday
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