Governor Baly swears-in new MP’s Brug & Kotai | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SINT MAARTEN (HARBOUR VIEW) - On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, His Excellency Governor Ajamu G. Baly administered the oath to new Members of Parliament (MPs) Mr. Richinel S.J. Brug and Mr. Viren V. Kotai at the Governor’s Cabinet.

The new members, of the United Resilient Sint Maarten Movement (URSM) and the Democratic Party, take their seats left vacant as a result of the appointment to the Council of Ministers of Prime Minister/Minister of General Affairs Mr. Luc F.E. Mercelina and Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport, and Telecommunications, Mrs. Grisha Heyliger-Marten.

This means that the Parliament is now at full capacity with 15 members. Governor Baly congratulated the new MP’s and wished them much strength, wisdom and discernment in their task ahead.


Chairlady of Parliament; Prime Minister; Members of Parliament; Ministers; Chairman of the General Audit Chamber; Griffier of Parliament; Chairlady of the Central Voting Bureau; Chairman of the Electoral Council; Commander of the Marines detachment on Sint. Maarten;

Distinguished guests ladies and gentlemen; Good afternoon.

A pleasant welcome to all of you.

A special welcome to the two members of Parliament-Elect.

Congratulations to both of you on being elected to hold the office as a representative of the people of Sint Maarten.  

You are about to take the oath and make a promise.

When administering the oath, it is always my hope and aim to convey the importance and significance of this legally required act.

You have been elected to an esteemed body; Parliament.

You are called by the Constitution, our highest law, to represent the entire people of Sint Maarten and that brings with it considerable responsibilities.

As our nation once again goes through and is faced with challenging times the people of this Country have elected you to represent them and are depending on you and your colleagues in Parliament to do so to the best of your ability. And this as we are on the cusp of entering the upcoming hurricane season, you are called to be vigilant in your task as Parliamentarian and ensure stable and good governance, by making sure that the interest of the nation, our country, our people is placed above individual interests.

Yes, as a Parliamentarian you have a free mandate, but that does not mean that you are free to do as you wish. You are to act in a responsible manner, one focused on the general interest of the people, you are to exercise that free mandate within the confines of the oath you are about to take.

The parameters stipulated in the oath are i. Integrity, ii. Loyalty, iii. The Rule of Law and iv. The general interest of the people of St. Maarten.

You have to defend the people of Sint Maarten wholeheartedly and unconditionally ensuring stability and prosperity, promoting stable governance, you have to commit to the well-being of the people of St. Maarten.

And mind you this applies whether you are in opposition or part of the majority supporting Government.

In closing, I leave you with a quote attributed to the American educator, author, businessman and speaker Stephen R. Covey.

“We are free to choose our actions, but we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.” End quote.

Members of Parliament-Elect, congratulations to you and God bless you and your families and God bless St. Maarten.
