Heavy Equipment Trucks Controlled on Nisbet road | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - On October 27, 2022, police officers of the KPSM carried out a traffic control on the Nisbet road in the early morning hours focusing on the technical requirements of vehicles.

During the course of this action, several heavy equipment vehicles using the Nisbet road were also controlled for non-compliance with technical requirements. These operators were explained about the upcoming actions the police will take after December 1st, 2022, regarding the use of heavy equipment during rush hours.

As of December 1st, 2022, in accordance with the statement of Minister of Justice Anna Richardson, the police will take action against drivers of heavy equipment operating during rush hours in violation of Article 60-A of the Traffic Ordinance of St. Maarten.

The following is an explanation of Article 60-A, of the Sint-Maarten Traffic Ordinance.


Artikel 60A 

Het is verboden met zwaar materieel over de voor het openbaar rij- en ander verkeer openstaande wegen te rijden op werkdag van 06:30 tot 08:30 uur en van 12:00 tot 14:00 uur. 


It is prohibited to drive heavy equipment on the roads open to public driving and other traffic on workdays from 06:30 to 08:30 and from 12:00 to 14:00. 

The police request that drivers have their vehicle documents with them and ensure that the vehicles comply with the technical requirements of the Traffic Ordinance. (KPSM)

police controls of trucks




Source: Souliga Newsday https://www.soualiganewsday.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=46468:heavy-equipment-trucks-controlled-on-nisbet-road&Itemid=450